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Table of contents
1. QVD (7:1) Lens Kit.................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Kit Contents ............................................................................................................................
1.2 Removing the installed lens ...........................................................................................................
1.3 Installing the new lens .................................................................................................................
1.4 Lens Adjustment .......................................................................................................................
1.5 Lens Formulas .........................................................................................................................
1.6 Cleaning the lens.......................................................................................................................
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
Table of contents
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
1. QVD (7:1) Lens Kit
1. QVD (7:1) LENS KIT
1.1 Kit Contents
QVD (7:1) Lens.
Installation Manual.
TorayseeTM Cloth.
1.2 Removing the installed lens
What has to be done?
Removing the installed lens on the IQ series projector.
Necessary Tools
No tools necessary.
Risk of personal injury. Instructions for lens installation must be followed thoroughly.
How to remove the installed lens?
2. Support the lens with one hand.
3. Release the lens by pulling the unlock handle located on the right side of the projector. (image 1-2)
4. Remove the lens out of its housing.
Image 1-2
Release the lens by pulling the unlock handle
Image 1-1
Slide lensdoor to the left
1.3 Installing the new lens
How to install the new lens?
To install the lens, follow the next procedure:
1. Take the lens out of its packing material.
2. Slide the lensdoor to the left.
3. Fix the lens by placing it in the housing.
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
1. QVD (7:1) Lens Kit
4. Push carefully to lock (“click” sound) the lens in the housing.
5. Slide the lensdoor back to the right.
It is not possible to mount the cable basket when using the QVD (0.85:1) lens.
This lens has been designed to operate in an ON axis installation only.
Never transport the projector with the lens mounted on it !
Always remove the lens before transporting the projector.
1.4 Lens Adjustment
What has to be done?
The lens has to be adjusted.
Necessary Tools
No tools necessary.
How to Vertical Shift the lens?
1. Press LENS SHIFT.
2. Use the arrow keys to adjust.
How to focus the lens?
Image 1-3
Rotate the lens barrel for picture focusing.
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
1. QVD (7:1) Lens Kit
1.5 Lens Formulas
Lens Formulas
Image 1-4
To calculate the distance between the projector frontside and the screen (PD) for a given screenwidth (SW), use the following for-
Metric formula (PD and SW in meter)
PD = 0.013 + 6.35xSW + 0.005/SW
Inch formula (PD and SW in inch)
PD = 0.51 + 6.35xSW + 8.35/SW
SWmin: 1m (39.37inch)
SWmax: 6m (236.22inch)
1.6 Cleaning the lens
To minimize the possibility of damaging the optical coating or scratching exposed lens surface, we have de-
veloped recommendations for cleaning the lens. FIRST, we recommend you try to remove any material from
the lens by blowing it off with clean, dry deionized air. DO NOT use any liquid to clean the lenses.
Necessary tools
Toraysee TM cloth (delivered together with the lens kit). Order number : R379058.
How to clean the lens ?
Proceed as follow :
1. Always wipe lenses with a CLEAN TorayseeTM cloth.
2. Always wipe lenses in a single direction.
Warning: Do not wipe back and forwards across the lens surface as this tends to grind dirt into the coating.
3. Do not leave cleaning cloth in either an open room or lab coat pocket, as doing so can contaminate the cloth.
4. If smears occur when cleaning lenses, replace the cloth. Smears are the first indication of a dirty cloth.
Do not use fabric softener when washing the cleaning cloth or softener sheets when drying the cloth.
Do not use liquid cleaners on the cloth as doing so will contaminate the cloth.
Other lenses can also be cleaned safely with this TorayseeTM cloth.
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
1. QVD (7:1) Lens Kit
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
Revision Sheet
Barco nv Intelligent Displays
Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne
Phone: +32, Fax: +32
Please correct the following points in this documentation (R5976393/02):
R5976393 QVD (7:1) LENS KIT 28012004
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