Thank you for making the Schwinn 107p/207p bike a part of your
exercise and fitness activities. For years to come, you’ll be able
to rely on Schwinn craftsmanship and durability as you pursue
your personal fitness goals.
Operation ..........................................................................................................6
How to use the 107p/207p bike .............................................................6
How to use the computer .......................................................................8
Moving your 107p/207p bike .................................................................10
Daily maintenance ...................................................................................10
Installing new computer batteries ......................................................10
The 107p/207p bike should enable you to shape and monitor
your workouts to:
▲ Increase your energy level
Guidelines – General Fitness and Exercise
by Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D .............................................................................11
▲ Increase cardiovascular and aerobic fitness
▲ Increase lower body muscle strength
▲ Decrease your overall percentage of body fat
Getting the most out of your home fitness program .....................11
The Stanford home exercise study ......................................................11
Home fitness planning worksheet.......................................................12
Balance fitness .........................................................................................13
Muscular strength ...................................................................................14
Cardiovascular strength.........................................................................14
Training effect ..........................................................................................14
Flexibility ...................................................................................................15
Exercise and body composition ...........................................................15
A balanced workout ................................................................................16
Warm up ....................................................................................................16
Aerobic/strength exercise.....................................................................16
Cool down.................................................................................................17
How to determine your maximum heart rate...................................17
Target heart rate training zones ..........................................................17
Beating the dropout odds: Jump start your fitness program .......18
Summary of Surgeon's General Report on
Whether you are just getting started in an exercise program or
are already in good shape, the 107p/207p bike is designed to be
an efficient, easy and fun way to achieve an enhanced level of
fitness. You can pedal your way to a slimmer and healthier body.
The on-board digital computer enables you to accurately
monitor your progress by tracking time, speed, distance and
approximate calories burned.
This Owner’s Manual contains all the information you need to
operate and enjoy your 107p/207p bike.
Also included are general fitness guidelines. Please read this
Owner’s Manual in its entirety before getting onto the
107p/207p bike and working out.
physical activity and health...............................................................18
Make exercise a habit..............................................................................19
It's never too late for fitness.................................................................20
Suggested readings ................................................................................20
So let’s get started.
Take your time and have fun!
Schwinn Fitness Inc. Limited Warranty.................................................21
Before starting any exercise program, consult with your physician or health professional. He or she can help
establish the exercise frequency, intensity (target heart rate zone) and time appropriate for your particular
age and condition. If you have any pain or tightness in your chest, an irregular heartbeat, shortness of
breath, feel faint or have any discomfort while you exercise, STOP! Consult your physician before
▲ Seat adjustment
▲ Resistance adjustment
You have full control over the levels of resistance integrated
into your workout. Typically, lower resistance levels enable you
to move at a faster pace, placing increased demand on your
cardiovascular system. Higher resistance levels will typically
deliver more of a muscle/endurance workout at lower RPMs.
But everyone is different! So experiment and find the
beginning of resistance that is comfortable for you.
Proper seat adjustment helps ensure maximum
exercise efficiency and comfort, while reducing
the risk of injury.
1. Place one pedal in the forward position and
center the ball of your foot over the center of
the pedal. Your leg should be slightly bent at
the knee (Figs. 1 and 2).
▲ Micro-adjustment
2. If your leg is too straight or your foot cannot
touch the pedal, you will need to move the
seat down on the 107p or forward on the 207p
bike. If your leg is bent too much, you will need
to move the seat up on the 107p or backward
on the 207p bike.
Turning the micro-adjustment control clockwise increases the
level of resistance. Turning the micro-adjustment control
counter-clockwise reduces the level of resistance. Micro-
adjustments can be easily made any time before, after or
during your workout. (Fig. 5).
3. Adjust the 107p seat by first dismounting the
bike, then pulling out the adjustment knob on
the seat tube and releasing the locking pin
(Fig. 3). Lower or raise the seat to the desired
height. Release the seat knob, engaging the
locking pin. Be sure that the pin is fully secured
in a seat post hole. To adjust the 207p seat, pull
the seat lever up with your right hand to
release the seat. Slide the seat forward or
backward to the desired position. Then push
the lever down and firmly lock in position.
▲ Lower body workout
Once you are in position and sitting comfortably, slowly begin
pedaling, with your arms relaxed at your sides and with your
hands resting on the top of your thighs or on the hand grips.
Pedal at an easy pace, at a low resistance level until you feel
secure and comfortable. As you feel more comfortable,
experiment with the range of resistance levels available via
the micro-adjustment control.
▲ Foot positioning/pedal strap adjustment
Place the ball of each foot on the pedals.
Rotate the pedals until one foot is within arms
reach. Then, reach down carefully and fasten
the rubber strap over your shoe and secure it
to the pedal by slipping the nub at the end of
the pedal through one of the slots in the strap.
Pull down the strap until it snaps into place
(Fig. 4). Repeat for the other foot. Point your
toes and knees directly forward to ensure
maximum pedal efficiency. Pedal straps can be
left in place for subsequent workouts.
Failure to follow any of these safeguards may result in injury or serious health problems.
• Do not place fingers or any other objects into moving parts of the exercise equipment.
• Keep children and pets away from the 107p/207p bike while machine is in use. A child’s curiosity may result
in injury. Do not allow children to use the bike. The pedal travel ranges are designed and intended for
adults, not children.
• Never turn pedal crank arms by hand. To avoid entanglement and possible injury, do not expose hands or
arms to the drive mechanism.
▲ Lower body workout
Once you are in position and sitting
• Do not dismount the bike until the pedals are at a complete STOP.
comfortably, slowly begin pedaling with your
hands resting on the hand grips. Pedal at an
easy pace and low resistance until you feel
secure and comfortable. Then try experimenting
with the range of resistance levels available
using the controls on the computer console mast.
• Warn bystanders to keep a safe distance. Do not allow anyone to touch the bike while it is in motion.
• After exercising, turn the micro-resistance control clockwise to increase tension so the pedals will not
rotate freely and possibly hurt someone.
The on-board computer features multi-feedback functions and an
easy-to-read LCD display to keep track of your workout performance
and progress. By taking a few moments to fully understand the
computer operation and functions, you will get more pleasure,
motivation and value from your 107p/207p recumbent bike workouts
(Fig. 6). It’s really very easy.
▲ Time — The TIME feedback function is displayed
automatically when the START button is pressed and
counts up from 00:00 unless programmed to count
down. TIME tells you exactly how long you have been
working out in minutes and seconds (Fig. 7).
▲ Speed — The SPEED feedback function displays your
current workout pace by calculating and averaging your
approximate miles or kilometers per hour (Fig. 8).
▲ Distance — The DISTANCE feedback function starts at
zero and continuously counts the total number of miles
or KM accumulated during your workout. To set a
DISTANCE target, stop pedaling and press the RESET
button. The computer will show 0.0 in the DISTANCE
display. Use the UP and DOWN keys to select the desired
workout distance; Press START to begin (Fig. 9).
▲ Calories — The CALORIES feedback function displays
your approximate calories burned. To set a CALORIES
target, stop pedaling and press the RESET button. The
computer will show 0 in the CALORIES display. Use the UP
keys to select the desired calories level for
and DOWN
the workout; Press START to begin (Fig. 10).
When the PULSE option is used,
▲ Pulse (optional) —
the HR will turn on whenever a heart beat is detected
(Fig. 11).
▲ RPM — The RPM function displays your pedal speed
(revolutions per minute).
▲ Odometer — The ODOMETER function displays the
total miles on this bike.
▲ Metric or English — The 107p/207p is capable of
giving feedback in miles or KM. To set: Press SCAN and
TIME/RESET for two seconds; Then push UP or DOWN to
switch between miles and KM; Press START when the
desired M or KM is selected.
▲ Getting Started
1. To activate the computer, press the start key or begin
pedaling. The display will show TIME at 00:00.
2. To set the TIME function, stop pedaling and press the TIME/ RESET
button once. Use the UP and DOWN keys to select the desired
workout time. You can now begin by pressing START.
3. You may return all functions to "zero” values at any time by simply
pressing the RESET button.
Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D.
▲ Moving your 107p/207p bike
Carefully lift the horizontal rear floor support to move and
steer the 207p bike to another location (Fig. 18). Pull the
handlebars towards you, leaning the bike down, to move and
steer the 107p bike to another location (Fig. 19). Be gentle
while moving the unit as any sharp impact directly or
indirectly to the computer can affect computer operation.
▲ Getting the Most Out of Your Home Fitness Program
The three main reasons for the increased popularity of home fitness gyms
and exercise are convenience, convenience and convenience. For any fitness
program to be successful, it must be done on a regular, sustained basis. With
equipment in your home, you can roll out of bed, put on a pair of sweats, and
start working out while the coffee is brewing.
For many, home workouts are easier to fit into their hectic schedules.
No getting in the car and having to go to the health club. No standing in
line to use the stair climber. Then there is the comfort and safety factor.
Who wants to run outdoors during a raging blizzard. Or, who wants to ride
a bike on busy city streets during rush hour in the heat of summer. It's
much more comfortable to hop on your Schwinn home fitness equipment
and exercise in the comfort and security of your air-conditioned room.
Privacy and cleanliness are also important. Many feel intimidated in a gym,
especially if they are carrying around a few extra pounds. At home you can
exercise without feeling as if you are being rushed or that anyone is looking
at you. No more lying down on a sweaty bench or wondering if you'll catch
athlete's foot in the shower.
Flexibility of time may be the biggest advantage. Work schedules vary for
many people who work flex shifts or have a family that has different schedules.
Parents with children soon discover that exercising at home turns out to be
the only viable alternative if they want to stay fit. But parents and busy workers
may not be the only ones who benefit from exercising at home.
▲ Daily maintenance
Use a damp cloth to wipe your bike and computer free of
sweat. IMPORTANT: To avoid damaging the finish on your bike
and computer, never use a petroleum-based solvent when
cleaning. Avoid getting excessive moisture on the computer.
▲ Installing new computer batteries
Your bike comes complete with computer batteries. Signs
that batteries need to be replaced include: fading LCD
display; erratic function; or failure to turn on when the
POWER button is pushed or when the pedals are put into
motion. To install new batteries, follow these simple steps:
107p Computer:
1. Remove the battery cover from the rear side of the
2. Remove existing batteries and insert fresh AA batteries.
(Fig. 20).
▲ The Stanford Home Exercise Study
Note: The PULSE function will operate only when the
Recently, researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, conducted
a year long study of over 350 individuals to examine the effectiveness and
compliance of a group of supervised home exercisers versus a group of
individuals who reported for a group session at the university. The subject
population included middle aged men and women and included fit individuals
as well as individuals who were overweight and smoked.
optional Pulse Receiver Module is installed. This plug-in
cartridge is available in either telemetric chest strap
or ear clip versions and can be purchased from an
authorized Schwinn dealer.
Individuals in both the high intensity (three 40-minute sessions per week on
the treadmill at a 73 to 88 percent of max heart rate) and low intensity group
(five 30-minute sessions at 60-71 percent of max heart rate) reported significantly
greater adherence than those in the university group based program.
Many at the beginning of the study thought that the university based
group would have a greater compliance rate than the home based group,
because of the camaraderie of the group and the instruction given by the
instructors. But the study found the opposite to be true. The group program
was just too inconvenient over the 12 month period for the subjects to justify
the benefits.
But the good news was that all three groups showed fitness
improvements. With the individuals in the low intensity group achieving
similar results as the high intensity group. Good news for those of you just
starting out in a moderate exercise program.
Perhaps most importantly, research has also shown that it's never too
late to start exercising . . .and experiencing the benefits. Studies conducted
at Tufts University, for instance, show that even people in their 90's can
significantly increase their strength as a result of following a moderate,
strength training program.
Exercise is one of life's joys. It energizes–it gives you a sense of well-being
and accomplishment and it keeps you healthy and fit. There is great pleasure
in being able to set goals, accept your own challenges and push yourself to a
better life of health and fitness.
Once you have made the commitment to get started in a home fitness
program, here are some suggestions that you may want consider to help you
get off on the right foot and stay motivated. Realize that any new habit is
difficult to establish at first, but it can be done. Follow these steps and you'll
be on your way to establishing and using your home fitness center for
improved health and fitness. Enjoy the journey!
Individuals who will support me in my exercise program:
Person #1_______________________
Person #2_______________________
Person #3_______________________
Individuals who can workout with me:
Person #1_______________________
Get a physical exam. If you have been inactive for several years or new
to an exercise program, be sure to consult with your family physician.
Especially if you're over 35, have health problems or have a history of
heart disease in your family.
Person #2_______________________
Person #3_______________________
Over the last 25 years, ever since the introduction of Dr. Kenneth Cooper's
book, Aerobics, many individuals have focused on walking, running, cycling,
swimming, and other types of aerobic activity as their only means of exercise.
Unfortunately, this has led to many of these same people neglecting other
key components of fitness; such as strength training, flexibility and body
composition. Many of us lack the strength to carry a full back of groceries, or
the flexibility to pick up our shoes without bending at the knees. In addition,
as we have aged, we have replaced muscle tissue with fat tissue.
Continued work by Dr. Cooper at the Institute of Aerobics Research, is
showing that in addition to the need to stress our cardiovascular system, that
more attention needs to be placed on building stronger muscles and increasing
joint flexibility. They are talking about the benefits of balanced fitness: regular
physical activity that includes strength training and flexibility (stretching) in
addition to aerobic conditioning.
For many years, "fitness" has been solely a measure of cardiovascular
(aerobic) endurance. And, while aerobic fitness is the cornerstone for health
and quality of life, there are two other components that are nearly as
important. When developing your home fitness program it is only
appropriate that you develop all three components in order to achieve
balanced fitness, and thus optimal health and quality of life. The three
components are:
Begin planning for your home fitness center. Set aside a portion or a room
in your house or apartment that is exclusively for fitness, and make sure
that it is as comfortable as possible so you'll enjoy using it. If you like music
or like to look outside while exercising, make sure these things are
accessible. Do not force yourself to exercise in a part of the house that isn't
comfortable, you will not feel motivated to exercise.
Do you need a companion? If you prefer to exercise with someone, find a
friend to train with who lives nearby. Encouraging your spouse or children
to exercise with you is an excellent way to stay motivated and promote
family unity.
Make fitness a part of your daily lifestyle. Include it in your daily planner
just as you would any other appointment. Keep the appointment; you'll be
glad you did.
Use affirmations. Affirmations will help you program your subconscious
to accept new beliefs. They should be positive statements. "I am living a
healthier lifestyle by exercising several times per week at home." Repeat
your affirmations several times per week.
— Muscle strength
— Cardiovascular fitness
— Flexibility
▲ Home Fitness Planning Worksheet
Target date to begin exercise program:_____________________
Times of day I can exercise:
▲ Balance Fitness
Time #1________________________
Many people considering beginning a balanced home fitness program still
think "no pain, no gain." They usually think they have to cycle or lift weights
until they are over-tired and their body aches. This idea of fitness is outdated.
What they don't realize is that, in a short time using proper guidelines, the
initial tiredness or soreness will be replaced by increased energy for work and
recreation and an increased sense of well–being.
Time #2________________________
Time #3________________________
Days of the week that are good for me to workout:
Day #1_________________________
Day #2_________________________
Since 1978, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has had an
influence on the medical and scientific communities with its position
statement on "The Recommended Quantity and Quality of Exercise for
Developing and Maintaining Fitness in Healthy Adults." For the first time
since 1978 the ACSM has revised its recommendations on exercise for healthy
adults. The new paper published in 1991 expands and revises advice on
cardiovascular fitness and body composition, and now recommends that you
add resistance training. This is new information to those of us who have
only cycled, ran, swam, watched our body weight and controlled our diet to
attempt to maintain fitness.
Balanced fitness can do more to ensure a long, healthy life than just about
anything else known to the medical community today. It's never too late to
start a fitness program but ideally, you should build strong muscles, flexibility
and a strong cardiovascular system early in life and enter the later years with
your physical potential at its maximum.
Day #3_________________________
Activities I would like to experiment with:
Activity #1_____________________
Activity #2_____________________
Activity #3_____________________
Exercise goals I wish to accomplish:
Goal #1_________________________
Goal #2_________________________
Goal #3_________________________
▲ Muscular Strength
Keep in mind that the ACSM recommendations are guidelines for the
average person, not a champion athlete training for the Olympic Games.
An appropriate warm-up and cool-down, which would also include
The new guidelines have added resistance training since the ACSM
recognizes the increasing importance of maintaining strength as a health
benefit as we get older. The rationale for the addition of strength training
to the guidelines is a result of a ten year follow-up study on master runners
(along with other studies). Those who continued to train aerobically without
upper body exercise maintained their body's oxygen transporting capacity
over the years, but lost about 4.5 pounds of lean body mass; those who
included strength training in their program maintained their lean body mass
along with their aerobic capacity after 10 years of aging.
The guidelines also show where consistent resistance training helps
maintain bone and muscle mass as we get older. For women, strength training
(along with the aerobic work) may also protect against post menopausal bone
loss and osteoporosis in their later years.
The guidelines recommend that two strength training sessions per week
should be added to your workout schedule. We recommend three sessions a
week during the off-season and two sessions a week for maintenance during
the in-season. The new ACSM guidelines recommend one set of eight to 12
repetitions of eight to 10 strength exercises of your major muscle groups per
session as the minimum requirement. A complete detailed strength training
program will be outlined in a later section of this book. If weights or other
resistance training devices are not available, add calisthenics to your program.
flexibility exercises, is also recommended. While many of you will need to
train with more mileage and at a greater intensity to race competitively, the
important factor to remember for most people is that if they follow the ACSM
guidelines of physical activity they will attain increased physical and health
benefits at the lowest risk. Below is a table outlining the guidelines (Table 1.1).
The ACSM guidelines, if followed, can result in permanent lifestyle changes for
most individuals. The good news is that, with the right approach, exercising at
home can and should be pleasant. You can combine strength training, aerobic
exercise and flexibility activities that you enjoy and gain valuable health benefits.
Strength Training
Aerobic Exercise
2 to 3 times/week
8-12 reps
3 to 5 times/week
60-90% of "easy"
feeling until fatigue
20-60 minutes
any rhythmical
3 to 6 times/week
max HR
Stretch Time
20-40 minutes
10 exercises
10 minutes
10 stretches
▲ Flexibility
To be in total balance it is important to be flexible. While not part of the
ACSM guidelines, flexibility is important for you to perform tasks that require
reaching, twisting and turning your body. Hip flexibility, for example, is
important to preventing lower back pain.
▲ Cardiovascular Fitness
The new statement, published in 1991, repeats the four recommendations
on duration, intensity, frequency and various modes of aerobic activity, with
slight changes. The duration is now 20 to 60 minutes, versus a minimum of 15
minutes in the past.
▲ Exercise and Body Composition
Intensity of exercise can be determined by two methods. The first is the
familiar use of target heart rate. The guidelines state that you should aim to
work at 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate (max HR = 220 - your age)
or 50 to 85 percent of your maximal oxygen capacity (determined by doing a
stress test on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill at a medical facility).
Duration is dependent upon the intensity of the activity; for those who like
to work at a lower intensity they should work out longer. Low to moderate
intensity cycling, stepping, walking, or cross-country skiing is best for most
adults, because higher intensity workouts can lead to increased risk of injury
and it is easier to adhere to the exercise routine. Beginners can achieve a
significant training effect from low intensity workouts. If you're already fit
and want to improve, gradually increase your intensity.
Body composition is an important component of health-related fitness.
Good body composition results from aerobic activity, strength training and
proper diet.
Your everyday caloric balance will determine whether you will gain or lose
weight from day-to-day. Caloric balance refers to the difference between the
calories you take in from food eaten and caloric expenditure or the amount of
energy you put out in daily activities, work or exercise.
Body weight is lost when caloric expenditure exceeds caloric intake or when
caloric intake is less than caloric expenditure. It is a known physiological fact
that one pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories of energy. Though it is
predictable that shifts in caloric balance will be accompanied by changes in
body weight, how your body loses weight varies on the various programs you
may undertake to lose weight. For example, low calorie diets cause a
substantial loss of water and lean body tissue, such as muscle. In contrast,
an exercise-induced negative caloric balance results in a weight loss of
primarily fat stores. If you were to add a resistant training component to
your program, you may also see a slight increase in weight due to a gain in
muscle mass, while an aerobic based program usually results in a
maintenance of muscle mass. While both approaches to weight loss are
effective, aerobic activity
The type of activity, once again, should include anything that uses large
muscle groups, and is rhythmical and aerobic in nature, such as cycling or
running. Other activities could include stair climbing, cross-country skiing,
walking, etc. These activities need to be carried out three to five days per week.
▲ Training Effect
Duration, intensity and frequency of training stimulate the aerobic training
effect. Any training done below the ACSM guidelines will not be sufficient
enough to give you the aerobic training effect. If you are exercising more
than the recommendations, it will not significantly increase the aerobic
training effect, though athletes training for competition need to exercise
more to be competitive. It is important to remember not to over do it; your
body needs adequate recovery from a hard workout.
is found to be very effective because metabolism stays sustained for longer
periods of time and energy. Expenditure is greater with activities that use
large muscle groups such as walking, cycling, cross-county skiing, etc.
Follow these guidelines when engaging in a weight loss program that
combines exercise and caloric restriction:
In general, endurance training for fewer than two days per week at less
than 60 percent of maximal heart rate, for fewer than 20 minutes per day, and
without a well-rounded resistance and flexibility program is inadequate for
developing and maintaining fitness in healthy adults. It is just that simple.
• Ensure that you are consuming at least 1,200 calories per day in a balanced
diet. You need to consume calories for everyday bodily, healthy functions.
• You should not exceed more than a 500 to 1,000 calories per day negative
caloric balance, combining both caloric restriction and exercise. This will
result in a gradual weight loss, without a loss of lean body weight (muscle).
You should not lose more than 2 pounds per week on a diet.
• Include an exercise program that provides as least 300 calories or more of
activity per day. This is best accomplished with exercise of low intensity and
long duration. Many pieces of home fitness equipment give estimates of
calories burned while exercising. Remember these are approximate calories
burned, exact amounts will depend on type of exercise, your body size,
intensity and duration.
• Add resistance training to your program to add muscle mass. Muscle cells
are more active than fat cells and will help you burn more calories per day.
• Include use of behavior modification techniques to identify and eliminate
bad diet and eating habits.
models audible feedback) as to what your heart rate is while exercising, and
allows you to stay within your selected target heart rate zone.
In addition to aerobic exercise, the ACSM recommends that healthy adults
perform a minimum of 8 to 10 strength exercises involving the major muscle
groups a minimum of two times per week. At least one set of 8 to 12
repetitions to near-fatigue should be completed during each session.
These recommendations are based on two factors:
• Most people aren't likely to adhere to workout sessions that last more than
60 minutes. The regimen outlined above can be completed in 30 minutes or
less, and when combined with 30 minutes of aerobic activity and flexibility
gives you a balanced workout.
• While more frequent and intense training is likely to build greater strength,
the difference is usually very small.
You should strive to burn between 300 to 500 calories per exercise session
and 1000 to 2000 calories per week in exercise. Remember that sustained
aerobic activities that use large muscle groups will cause the greatest energy
If overweight or obese, you may want to keep the intensity even lower
than 60 percent of maximum heart rate to keep the risk of orthopedic
injuries at a minimum. Nonweight-bearing activities such as stationary
cycling may be considered for this group, or for those who suffer from
orthopedic or arthritis problems.
▲ Cool-Down
The cool-down enables your body's cardiovascular system to gradually
return to normal, preferably over a 5 to 10 minute period. Bringing your
workout to an abrupt halt can cause light-headedness, since blood will pool in
your legs if you abruptly stop working. Lower your exercise intensity
gradually over a period of a few minutes. When your heart rate has returned
to below 110 beats per minute you can stop exercising on whatever piece of
equipment you are on.
▲ A Balanced Workout
All of your balanced home workouts should include three parts:
Always keep in mind that warm-up and cool-down are just as important as
the activity phase. Both can prevent many common injuries from occurring.
– Warm-up
– The main aerobic and/or strength routine
– Cool-down
▲ How To Determine Your Maximum Heart Rate
The best way to determine your maximal heart rate is to calculate your
target heart rate zones. Simply record your heart rate several times when you
are putting out a maximal effort, such as when you are going all out on
a stationary bicycle, or during a hard session of stair climbing.
The easiest option is to estimate your maximum heart rate based on a
formula which has been well-established for reliability: take the number 220,
and subtract your age. For example, a 45 year old would have an estimated
maximum heart rate of 175 (220 - 454 = 175). The target heart rate zone for
aerobic training would be 105 to 149 beats per minute (60 to 80 percent of
the maximum).
Together, exercise and recovery comprise fitness conditioning: deny
either and you invite injury and minimize benefits. Our bodies and minds
become stronger and more efficient in response to their use and exercise.
Overuse and overload will cause breakdown. You don't want too much,
but just enough.
The secret is to know when you are pushing too much or too little.
Monitoring your heart rate tells you how much to exercise and when to rest.
▲ Warm-up
A good warm-up will help you perform better and will decrease the aches
and pains most people experience. The warm-up prepares your muscles for
exercise and allows your oxygen supply to ready itself for what's to come.
Studies show that muscles perform best when they're warmer than normal
body temperatures. Warm-up exercises include cycling, walking, skiing slowly
until you begin to break a light sweat. This normally takes about 5 to 10
minutes. If using a heart rate monitor, raise your heart rate to about 110 to 120
beats per minute during your warm-up.
Stretching before and after exercise also serves many purposes. By
promoting flexibility, it decreases the risk of injury and soreness. It also
enhances physical performance by allowing you to maintain a comfortable
position on the bicycle longer. Take a few minutes to stretch your legs,
shoulders and lower back before you get on your home equipment.
▲ Target Heart Rate Training Zones
There are three primary heart rate training zones. The first is often
referred to as the "fat burning zone", because the intensity is moderate
enough to require your body to primarily use fat as the fuel source for the
exercise. You should exercise at 50 to 65 % of your maximal heart rate to
achieve this level of intensity. While you workout in this and the other zones,
your heart rate should fall somewhere between these two figures. People just
starting out on an exercise program or who want to lose weight should
concentrate on maintaining their heart rate in this zone for 20 to 30 minutes
per day, 3 to 5 days per week.
The second zone discussed above is known as the "aerobic exercise zone"
or is shown on many charts as the "target heart rate zone." In this zone you
should exercise at 60 to 85% of your maximal heart rate. Training in this zone
helps you build aerobic endurance and constructs a base upon which you can
progressively add more demanding workouts as your cardiovascular
fitness increases.
▲ Aerobic/Strength Exercise
Vigorous aerobic exercise is the core of your workout program. The
intensity of your exercise must be strenuous enough to raise your heart rate
into your target zone. This is usually between 60 and 90% of your maximum
heart rate. Cycling, or any exercise done in this range, is usually called aerobic
exercise. It means your body, your heart, and the various exercising muscles
are working at a level at which oxygen can be utilized. Exercising with a heart
rate monitor allows you to constantly receive visible feedback (and on some
A higher level of training can help increase both your speed and tolerance
for the buildup of lactic acid, the primary waste product of anaerobic
metabolism in your muscles. This type of workout from 85 to 100% of
maximum heart rate usually consists of short, hard sprints or repeated hill
running and is referred to as "anaerobic training."
Varied training in all three of these zones will add to increased levels of
fitness and improved performance and add more energy to your life. "Most
training programs use a combination of training intensities to increase
performance capacity," according to J. T. Kearney, Ph.D., Senior Exercise
Physiologist at the U. S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Kearney
suggests that it is important for individuals to monitor intensity. "There are
many different ways to monitor training but monitoring heart rate response is
the simplest, most convenient and least expensive physiological method for
monitoring training," Kearney says.
exercise programs, the dropout rate is about 50 percent. So if the Surgeon
General's findings are not convincing evidence enough to keep most us
exercising on a consistent basis, what is?
Scientists are finding that the process of beginning, increasing and
ultimately sticking to an exercise program is a combination of two elements:
finding the right incentives and building a habit. And, as we will see, these
two motivational factors are connected, but distinct.
Focusing on the positive is one of the best incentives to exercise. Avoid
looking at exercise as a way to fix something that's wrong with your body.
Instead, focus on your successes. Pat yourself on the back each time you've
made it though a workout. Thrive on the energy that exercising gives you.
Reward yourself with a dinner out, after you have reached a certain weight
loss goal, or buy yourself a new workout outfit. With these rewards, you'll
go back for more, and your body will show results.
Don't view exercise as punishment. Don't look at exercise as something that
has to be tackled because you are out of shape. Think of exercise as an
investment in your health, your physical looks and your mental outlook. As you
run, walk or lift weights, concentrate on the positive energy being generated
within your body and the renewed sense of life and wellness you feel.
The basics of any fitness program are planning and setting goals. Goal setting
and formulating a plan are the most clear ways of establishing a consistent
program of exercise; they are also a powerful form of direction and
motivation. Take some time to think about what will help you begin your
exercise program. Write these down in your daily planner or diary. Goals
provide a sense of purpose and incentive that can drive you to your intended
destination. However, for goals to be effective they need to be realistic.
Motivation will be strengthened only if it's possible to reach your objectives.
Consider this: Your mind and body will respond better to exercise if you
start with 20-minute sessions, three times a week, rather than an hour session
four times per week. Once the sessions become a routine, aim for 30 minutes,
then increase from there.
The most important thing in any exercise program is to do your best to
keep progressing, backsliding as little as possible and getting back on the horse
just as fast as possible if you fall off. Try to anticipate lapses: If a crazy workday
looms, get up early and squeeze in a short ride on a stationary bicycle so that
you've achieved something even if it isn't your regular workout routine. When
on a business trip, stay in a hotel that has an onsite workout facility.
Exercise is one of life's joys. It energizes – giving you a sense of well-being
and accomplishment and keeps you healthy and fit. There is great pleasure in
being able to set goals, accept challenges, and push yourself to a better
lifestyle of health and fitness. No matter what your reason for exercising –
to lose weight, to get fit, or to feel better –- motivating yourself to exercise
on a regular basis requires changing your behavior.
▲ Predicted Target Heart Rate Zones for Different Ages
Maximum Predicted
Heart Rate
Aerobic Target
Zone: 60-85 %
After several weeks of "aerobic conditioning," certain changes become
apparent. What was a barely attainable level of exercise before, now becomes
quite easy. Whereas cycling or running at a certain pace or speed may have
previously caused your heart rate to go up to 135 beats per minute, that pace
can now be achieved at a lower heart rate. In short, your heart is becoming
stronger, larger and more efficient, and your body is able to do the same work
with less strain.
Regardless of your maximum average heart rate or your target heart rate,
you should consult with your physician or with a sports medical expert to
establish, with precision, the rates that are right for you, your age and your
medical and physical condition. This is especially important if you are over the
age of 35, been sedentary for several years, overweight or have a history of
heart disease in your family.
▲ Beating The Dropout Odds: Jump Start Your Fitness Program
You already know you need to exercise. And you're probably trying –
at least a little. But let's get serious: If you don't add regular exercise to your
life, you're missing out on a sure bet. This is one area where medical research
all points in the same direction.
"Starting to exercise is comparable, from a health benefit standpoint, to
quitting smoking," says the recently released Surgeon's General Report on
Physical Activity and Health.
▲ Make Exercise A Habit
The key to a successful fitness program is getting your body to do what
your mind knows it should. Here are six mental strategies to help keep you
focused on your fitness goals.
▲ Summary of Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity
and Health:
1. Clarify why you want to exercise. If you want to gain strength – is it to
swim more laps, or to tone-up your body. By understanding and detailing
your goals, you will be better able to stay motivated.
2. Vary your workout. To make your routine more enjoyable, vary it once in a
while. Supplement your indoor cycling with outdoor cycling and strength
training. These activities make exercise more interesting and increase your
fitness level by making you utilize different muscle groups.
• Regular physical activity offers substantial improvements in health and well-
being for the majority of Americans.
• If you exercise regularly, the reports show, you'll reduce your risk of heart
attack, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and even the
common cold.
• Regular exercise, regardless of the intensity, can help you
control stress, sleep problems, and depression.
But even with all this evidence, only 22 percent of Americans engage in
exercise for 20 minutes a day. And even among individuals who begin
3. Focus on the positive. Avoid looking at your exercise program as a way
to fix something that's wrong with your body. Instead focus on your
successes. Congratulate yourself after each workout. Thrive on the energy
that exercising gives you.
4. Develop a constructive attitude. Do not focus on what you are giving up to
exercise on a regular basis, but on what new options you'll have after you
become fit.
All Schwinn exercise products are
warranted to the retail purchaser to
be free from defects in materials
and workmanship.
election, to the repayment of an amount
of the purchase price of the exercise
product in question. Some states do not
permit the exclusion or limitation of
implied warranties or incidental or
Warranty coverage valid to the original
5. Engage your body and mind. Connect on a deeper level, you'll be more
likely to stay with your routine. If your exercise time on a stationary bike
is your 30-minutes away from work or a time for reflection, you're much
more likely to stick with it. Individuals claim to experience an increased
sense of creativity and an enhanced thought process due to a regular
exercise program.
6. Consider many of the physiological benefits. If a strong and fit body isn't
enough to keep you motivated, consider some of the hidden benefits of
exercise: lower blood pressure, stronger heart, more efficient pulmonary
system, lower risk of osteoporosis and stress reduction.
purchaser only and proof of purchase will consequential damages, so the preceding
be required. Any product sold or placed
in an application not recommended by
Schwinn Fitness will void any warranty
coverage set forth by Schwinn Fitness
warranty policies and procedures.
limitations and exclusions may not apply
to you.
Warranty service will be performed by
Schwinn or an authorized Schwinn Fitness
Dealer. The original purchaser must
provide proof of purchase. Service calls
and/or transportation to and from the
Authorized Schwinn Dealer is the
responsibility of the purchaser.
1. Schwinn will have the option to repair
or replace any exercise product(s),
which require warranty service.
2. Schwinn will replace any equipment
frame that is structurally defective
with a new frame or replace the unit
with a unit of equal value. Schwinn is
not responsible for labor charges in
replacing defective frames.
3. In the event a product cannot be
repaired, Schwinn will apply a limited
credit reimbursement toward another
Schwinn exercise product of equal or
greater value.
4. Schwinn is not responsible for dealer
labor charges for component
changeovers completed after the
labor-related warranty period(s)
stated herein.
Residential Environment: 30 years on
frame. Parts and electronics are covered
for two years. Labor is covered for one
year from date of original purchase.
▲ It's Never Too Late . . . for Fitness
This warranty excludes wear items that
need to be replaced due to normal
wear and tear.
Most of us have very busy schedules and to keep our fitness level intact we
have to be extremely efficient. These three words, efficiency of effort, form
the core of creating your own home fitness center. Efficiency of effort means
producing maximum gains with minimal time spent; this is the goal of most
of us when designing our home fitness program.
The bottom line is you must be creative and innovative to get the best
results. With this book and your own creativity a great workout is only a few
moments away; a different grip on the multi-gym, a varied stepping rhythm
on the stepper, a new intensity on the stationary wind-load simulator or a
more rapid stroke rate on the rower. By varying your workouts you'll create
maximum gains in the shortest time frames.
As you will see, your home fitness equipment will allow you to reach your
fitness goals and prepare properly for a healthier lifestyle. Anyone who is
serious about fitness – or for that matter just improving their overall fitness –
should have a few basic pieces of home fitness equipment. It makes no
difference if you are a competitive cyclist or triathlete, an executive or
someone trying to tone their muscles, the home fitness center is the most
efficient way to help you reach your physical potential.
1. Any component on original equipment
which carries a separate consumer
warranty of the parts supplier.
2. Normal wear and tear.
3. Any damage, failure or loss caused by
accident, misuse, neglect, abuse,
improper assembly, improper
maintenance, or failure to follow
instructions or warnings in Owner’s
4. Use of products in a manner or
environment for which they were not
5. If you elect to repair an exercise
product or part yourself, using the
services of someone other than an
Authorized Schwinn Fitness Dealer,
or use a replacement part not supplied
by Schwinn, Schwinn shall not be liable
for any cost, damage, failure or loss
caused by the use of such
unauthorized service or parts.
6. See your Authorized Schwinn Fitness
Dealer for service or write to:
Technical Services Department
Schwinn Fitness Inc.
The foregoing warranties are in lieu of and
exclude all other warranties not expressly
set forth herein, whether express or
implied by operation of law or otherwise,
including, but not limited to, warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. Schwinn shall in no event be
liable for incidental or consequential
losses, damages or expenses in connection
with its exercise products. Schwinn’s
liability hereunder is expressly limited to
the replacement of goods not complying
with this warranty or, at Schwinn’s
Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D., is author of the Complete Home Fitness Handbook,
published by Human Kinetics Publishers. It can be found at major book stores
or you can order it by calling 1-800-747-4457. He also serves as Director of the
Exercise Science Program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
▲ Suggested Readings:
Burke, Edmund. Complete Home Fitness Handbook, Champaign, IL., Human
Kinetics Publishers, 1996. Book illustrates how to set up a home gym, purchase
equipment and gives workout programs for various pieces of home fitness
1886 Prairie Way
Louisville, CO 80027
Anderson, Bob; Pearl Bill; and Burke Ed. Getting in Shape: Workout Programs
for Men & Women. Bolinas, CA., Shelter Publications, 1994. Offers information
on how to set-up a balanced fitness program of cardiovascular, strength and
flexibility training.
Burke, Edmund. Precision Heart Rate Training. Champaign, IL., Human Kinetics
Publishers, 1998. Fine-tune your workout intensity. This book fully explains
why and how to train with a heart rate monitor.
Schwinn Fitness Inc. • 1886 Prairie Way • Louisville, CO 80027
© 2002• SCHWINNFITNESS.COM • 1.800.864.1270
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